Survivor of Pain

Survivor of Pain
We can all be survivor's even in the face of the pain!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hands etc...

When my emotional transformation began to take place, after moving here to Junction City this past March, I was anxious to get as healthy as possible.  I started by doing laps up and down the ramp here at home, which is rather long and steep. I increased the number of laps weekly at first, then daily. After about a month of this, I began having severe pain, numbness and tingling in my hands.  I, then started getting depressed because I was so afraid that the RSD had spread to my hands and without the use of my hands, what do I have? I already don't have the use of my legs!

I told my new Doctor about this over a month ago.  By then, the pain, which is a severe burning-type pain and numbness would wake me up every night.  He sent me to a Physiatrist (Dr. of Physical Therapy) who did a couple of tests and determined that I had carpal tunnel in both hands! Wow! What a relief!  Carpal Tunnel can be managed and I am now looking forward to getting my braces and being able to function again.  She wants me to wear them for 30 days, then go back in and see if that's all the treatment I need, which is what I'm shooting for!
Unfortunately, I can no longer do the action of pushing myself up and down the ramp anymore as this is what precipitated the carpal tunnel in the first place, so now I need to get an electric wheelchair, God willing!

I Started going to Ai Chi classes at a local indoor pool.  It's 95 degree, salt water and the ai chi is like tai chi but under water.  It is so awesome, I love it!  I'm allowed 10 sessions in 2 months.  Unfortunately, the pool doesn't get city subsidies and is now looking to be shut down if they don't come up with enough money by next month to keep it open.  If you're a prayer, please pray for the Tamarack Pool to stay open as it is so helpful to a lot of people for a lot of different reasons.

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