Survivor of Pain

Survivor of Pain
We can all be survivor's even in the face of the pain!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I've really been depressed lately! I don't know how I'm going to deal with losing the ability to use my hands? I don't even know what's in store, as I've never had a good Doctor, whose even done tests or spent more than a minute trying to figure out if the symptoms are part of the RSD or what?  I have alot of pain and swelling in my upper back and neck, is it related to that? Can it be a spine problem that could be fixed?
I'd really like to hear from anyone else whose had problems getting Doctors to do their jobs, or with issues like I'm having with my hands.  Up until about 2 months ago, my hands would go numb once in a while and I haven't been able to hold my arms up for more than a few seconds.  But, now my left hand goes numb every time I try to use it, like now, typing or crocheting, which are 2 of my distractions and loves. Every day when I wake up it's numb and extremely painful!  My right hand still only does it once in a while, but the right wrist hurts a lot of the time.
Enough moaning and groaning, LOL!
BTW: if you haven't read it before somewhere, My RSD is in my knees and feet, but I was in a car accident 9 years ago, where I sustained whiplash, I'm wondering if that precipitated a spread?
RSD is such a strange condition, with such a wide variety of symptoms that it's hard to pin down sometimes, what's related to it or not.
I'm really praying this new Doctor will either take the time to help me figure this out, or send me to a Neurologist who will!

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