Survivor of Pain

Survivor of Pain
We can all be survivor's even in the face of the pain!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pain Care Bill of Rights

I saw Sandi (My Counselor) again this week, This time she walked me through building my "happy place".  It was so cool!  I now have an awesome English Cottage, deep in the woods, near a river with a waterfall, where I can go to in my mind, whenever I like!  She also gave me a tape on Guided Imagery, which is helpful to relax at times when I need it!

Since Wednesday I've needed it a lot!  My new Doctor still hasn't given me anything for pain, not real pain.  I told him the Gabapentin (Neurontin) wasn't really working, so what did he do? He upped it to 3200 mgs./day!  I couldn't believe it.  He wouldn't listen to a word I said, I tried telling him that I needed something for breakthru pain, something I could take throughout the day and night, just when I needed it; PRN.  He very emphatically stated: "This is how I'm doing it"!  He made me feel like a small child being chastised!  Luckily I didn't cry until after I left the office!  I'm so very frustrated!  I'm going to include here, the pain patients bill of rights, I believe he violated every one of them and am thinking of sending them to him along with a gently put letter, I'd love feedback on this!


                   As a person with pain, you have the right to:

~Have your report of pain taken seriously and to be treated with dignity and respect by doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals.

~Have your pain thoroughly assessed and promptly treated.

~Be informed by your healthcare provider about what may be causing your pain, possible treatments, and the benefits,
risks, and costs of each.

~Participate actively in decisions about how to manage your pain.

~Have your pain reassessed regularly and your treatment adjusted if your pain has not been eased.
~Be referred to a pain specialist if your pain persists.

~Get clear and prompt answers to your questions, take time to make decisions, and refuse a particular type of treatment if you choose.

American Pain Foundation
201 North Charles Street
Suite 710
Baltimore, MD 21201
toll free: 1-888-615-7246
American Pain Foundation

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