Survivor of Pain

Survivor of Pain
We can all be survivor's even in the face of the pain!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lazy Daze

I've had a couple of tired days or lazy days, if you like.  The weather here today is gorgeous, but I'm feeling down and I'm not sure why?  I've been thinking that it might be because of my appointment this coming friday to a new PCP!  I'm petrified of Doctors!  They hold so much power over our health, our very lives! Yet, they seem to take this so lightly!
How do I impress upon him what I'm feeling, what I'm requiring from him without him getting the wrong idea?  I'm already red-flagged as a "Doctor Shopper", as I explained in my last blog, so do I go in there and tell him who I really am? Will he even believe me? I pray people read this before Friday, April 30th and give me some advice because it's causing my anxiety levels, therefore my pain levels to rise sky high!
One bright spot in this past week was that Vincent received the boxes I sent him, finally!  The poor kid had to pay C.O.D. because I didn't have enough to send them. but, he got them and was pleased.  It was mostly foodstuffs, things he can eat quickly, on the go and that wouldn't spoil too quickly.  I was also able to send him the heavy-duty snow boots I had bought him.  I just hope they last, LOL!   Vin has always worn out his shoes quickly.
I was able to talk to him on the phone for 30 minutes the other day, that was really nice!
He sounds so good! I knew being self-sufficient would do him good!  He seems to really like working and earning his own living, paying his way in life and I'm very relieved to find that out, as it was iffy there for a while! LOl!
He plans on getting satellite internet soon and for that I am very excited! There's so many pictures I've put online I'm anxious for him to see and I'm going to be starting another Blog soon, for him!
Well, I pray you all have a great day!

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