Survivor of Pain

Survivor of Pain
We can all be survivor's even in the face of the pain!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Adult Foster Care

Two months ago, I was living in my own apartment, you'd think that would be a better situation but for me, it wasn't!  The stress of having to be a boss to a caregiver, (of which I'm not!) and unable to tell her what to do, they often took advantage of me and my home and I, suffered!  I'm not the type of person who can live in a mess and seeing it every day without being capable of cleaning it myself, drove me crazy!  Not to mention the fact that Vincent left home on January 8th to go live on a mountain top in No. California with my Neice: Rossi, her hubby: Twig and son: Arlo.  I missed him so much! (and still do!) Even though he's 20 y.o., he's my one and only and the beat of my heart!
It caused my depression to get so bad, I couldn't function at all! I lay in bed day-in and day-out staring at the T.V., getting up to go to the bathroom was a chore for me.
After my visiting Nurse; Diane came to see me in January, she was really worried about me and suggested I be placed in an adult foster home or assisted living facility.  
I was desperate to get out of my current situation and agreed to think about it and check out a couple of available homes.
After visiting the 2nd one, out in the middle of absolutely beautiful farm country, in a gorgeous 90 year old farm house, where I'd have a room of my own; I was hooked!  I thought about it for several days then agreed to the move.
A week later, I was here!  There are Pro's & Con's to everything:
I had to give up smoking inside but, I've cut down from 2-3 packs a day to 15-20 a day!
I have a spaceous room with 2 walk-in closets yet because I didn't have anyone to help me pack right and move my stuff here, Rose (The Foster Care Provider) had to come pick me up and didn't have much time so most of my things got left behind!
She (Rose) was kind enough to bring me back a week later to get more stuff, but there just wasn't enough space in her car nor time to make sure I had just what I needed.  So, I am heartbroken over the loss of some items!
Life here has been so much better for me.  Just reducing the stress I was carrying has lowered my baseline pain levels by a lot!  I'm much happier now. I spend my days going between the computer, reading, crocheting and going outside to smoke or just take a roll around the property, picking flowers, taking pictures or just enjoying the scenery with my constant companion;  Buffy

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