Survivor of Pain

Survivor of Pain
We can all be survivor's even in the face of the pain!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Fog

The Fog
alone in the fog
I feel so alone, completely bereft of human companionship & touch.
Not even a home, to call my own. Not a loved one nearby to reach.
If not for my dog, my precious little friend, I'm afraid this fog
would consume me.

It's not just the pain, the all-consuming suffering. 
It's more just the fact that it feels as if nobody cares. 
They say that they do but without an ounce of proof,
I can't help but doubt that they love me.

Words are important, they can mean the world:
But, actions speak volumes and reach beyond the universe.
A simple call, without request, a simple gesture of reading
my words, whether or not you like them.

The fog will soon lift, I wont let it take me over.
But, the need to feel your love will never go.
I hope beyond hope that you always still know;
I love you no matter what!
By: M. C. Jensen copyright 6/10/10

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